I found this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, "Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art" (http://www.great-quotes.com/quote/4995). I think this quote describes just how I personally view the aging process. Babies are born as a "blank slate" so to speak, society, culture and people who are around the child will help shape them into the work of art they become as they age. The aging process very complicated, it involves every apsect of our lives. Physical, mental, and social health compose who we are. There are a wide variety of issues that come with the aging process, my blog addresses some of these issues that I found to be the most important in my opinion.
The picture below illustrates an aging man and woman, their shadows resemble what they were like when they were younger. I think it illustrates the aging process in general, and how as we get older we change physically, but not necessarily in the things we enjoy.